Blog- SoHo Dragon


The True Power Of Share Point Designer For Workflows

May 28, 2009

Google Chrome- TV AD

May 20, 2009

A rather cool feature of Flickr

May 10, 2009

The web site flickr which is about the only web...

The comeback of frames

May 04, 2009

One of the web trends I’ve noticed over the past...

So this is what happens when you call a call center

Apr 20, 2009

The 10 greatest flops in computer history

Apr 15, 2009


Slide Share

Feb 10, 2009

Well introduced the sales group to Slideshare ...

Google tip I just learnt

Dec 11, 2008

In the Google search bar you can perform...

Awesome Google service

Dec 02, 2008

Just leave it to Google to come up with something...

What do buyers REALLY want?

Oct 24, 2008

Article in the FTIn the 1990s, the IT industry...


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